The Benefits of
FUSA believes that through education and sport, Haiti’s new generation will be able to build up the country. Resulting in an eventual increase of the countries’ welfare. This is a necessity since Haiti is currently the poorest country of the western hemisphere. Since the positive effect, of education on the welfare, is just an assumption; FUSA decided to do some research.
We spend time reading scientific articles and papers in order to know the real effect of education on a country. Soon we found out that education is an essential factor of a country’s economic development. Furthermore it has a vital impact on the relaxation and social peace within a region. Not only the country will flourish from its benefits, but also the individual will experience a positive change. He will obtain habits, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. As a result, these will help him to understand the world and its evolution around him. He will review on both individual and social problems. And, thanks to education, take appropriate decisions to resolve them. It is no wonder that this is directly linked to a healthy democracy.
To succeed in this, a country should not only provide education; but also structure it. Only then the country will fully benefit from the power of education to increase their economy. Since almost every country has their own system, there is no one-fits-all solution. The system should obviously support the needs of the country in question. One thing is for sure though; the quality of the teacher plays an essential role in every school system.

He Who Opens a School Door
Closes a Prison
As a result we can conclude that there is a positive relationship between education and wealth. Not only for the individual; but also for the country as a whole. Some say: “An educated population, is a productive population.” If Haiti wants to prosper in welfare; they need to form a unity. FUSA believes that an improvement in the education and a good system can create such a unity.